Factors Contributing to the Underrepresentation of Women and Minority Students in STEM Fields


  • Zahra Lathifa Helwan University


Underrepresentation, STEM fields, Stereotypes, Bias, Role models, Cultural factors


The underrepresentation of women and minority students in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields is a persistent issue that requires thorough investigation to understand the contributing factors. This research study aimed to identify and examine the factors that contribute to the underrepresentation of women and minority students in STEM fields. Through an extensive literature review and analysis of existing research, several key findings emerged. Stereotypes and bias were identified as significant factors that contribute to the underrepresentation of women and minority students in STEM fields. Despite progress in recent years, stereotypes and bias still exist in many STEM fields, resulting in discrimination against women and minority students. These biases can be subtle, such as assumptions about ability or interest, and can limit opportunities for students from these groups. Addressing and mitigating these biases is crucial to creating a more inclusive STEM environment. The lack of visible role models was identified as another important factor contributing to the underrepresentation of women and minority students in STEM fields. Many women and minority students may feel isolated in STEM fields due to a lack of role models who look like them and have succeeded in these fields. This lack of representation can make it challenging for these students to envision themselves succeeding in STEM fields, leading to lower interest and participation. Increasing the visibility of diverse role models in STEM fields can help inspire and motivate women and minority students to pursue STEM careers. Educational inequities were also found to be contributing factors to the underrepresentation of women and minority students in STEM fields. Unequal access to quality education and resources can limit the opportunities available to women and minority students in STEM fields. Students from lower-income backgrounds, in particular, may face challenges in accessing the same resources as their peers, which can hinder their ability to excel in STEM fields. Addressing educational inequities and providing equal opportunities for all students, regardless of their background, is crucial in promoting diversity and inclusivity in STEM fields. Cultural factors were identified as additional factors that contribute to the underrepresentation of women and minority students in STEM fields. Some cultures may not encourage women to pursue careers in STEM fields or may not view these fields as desirable career paths. These cultural beliefs can impact the aspirations and motivations of women and minority students, leading to lower participation in STEM fields. Addressing cultural factors and promoting diversity and inclusivity in all cultures is essential in creating a more inclusive STEM environment. Addressing these factors requires a multifaceted approach that involves promoting diversity and inclusivity in STEM fields, increasing access to quality education and resources, providing visible role models, and creating inclusive workplace cultures. Further research and collaborative efforts among stakeholders, including academia, industry, policymakers, and communities, are needed to effectively address the underrepresentation of women and minority students in STEM fields and promote diversity and inclusivity in these fields.




How to Cite

Lathifa, Z. (2023). Factors Contributing to the Underrepresentation of Women and Minority Students in STEM Fields. Sage Science Review of Educational Technology, 6(1), 39–47. Retrieved from https://journals.sagescience.org/index.php/ssret/article/view/58