Sage Science Review of Educational Technology 2024-03-26T11:27:27-06:00 Dr. Asuf R. Open Journal Systems <p>The Sage Science Review of Educational Technology (SSRET) is a scholarly journal devoted to publishing rigorous and peer-reviewed research in the field of educational technology. The journal features theoretical perspectives, methodological advancements, and empirical studies that demonstrate the effectiveness of Edtech systems, networks, techniques, and services in enhancing the educational sector. The journal maintains a strict peer review policy to ensure the quality and validity of the published articles.</p> <p> </p> Premorbid Adjustment Effect on Academic Performance: A Review 2023-01-24T14:43:01-07:00 Ahmet Çelik Fatma Özkan <p>The purpose of this research was to discuss how premorbid adjustment, which refers to the individual's functioning and well-being before the onset of a specific condition, can have a significant impact on academic performance. The five main ways in which premorbid adjustment can affect academic performance are cognitive abilities, emotional and behavioral functioning, social skills, motivation and self-regulation, and overall mental health and well-being. These factors can play a crucial role in a student's ability to learn, focus, engage in the classroom, form positive relationships, set and work towards academic goals, and cope with stress and adversity related to academic performance. It is important for educators to be aware of the potential impact of premorbid adjustment on academic performance and to provide appropriate support to students who may be struggling. This can include providing accommodations, such as extra time on exams, or offering additional support, such as tutoring or counseling. Additionally, it is important for educators to work with families and mental health professionals to ensure that students receive the appropriate interventions and support to improve their cognitive abilities, emotional and behavioral functioning, social skills, motivation and self-regulation, and overall mental health and well-being and succeed academically.</p> 2023-01-07T00:00:00-07:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Author Promoting LGBT Inclusion in Education: The Role of School Policies and Implementation in Schools 2023-03-02T12:02:18-07:00 Juan Hernandez Luisa Torres <p>This research explores the role of school policies in promoting LGBT inclusion in education and the strategies that schools can use to effectively implement these policies. The findings indicate that non-discrimination policies, gender-neutral restrooms and facilities, inclusive curriculum, staff training, and support for LGBT student groups are effective ways to promote LGBT inclusion in schools. The study also suggests that schools should develop a comprehensive plan, involve all stakeholders, provide training, regularly review and update policies, monitor and enforce policies, and celebrate diversity to effectively implement these policies. These strategies can help create a safe and inclusive environment for LGBT students, promote acceptance and understanding, and ensure that all students are protected from harassment, bullying, and other forms of discrimination.</p> 2023-02-10T00:00:00-07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 SageSciecnce Understanding Security Awareness Among Bank Customers: A Study Using Multiple Regression Analysis 2023-04-08T09:05:29-06:00 Joan Telo <p><strong>Background:</strong> The banking industry has witnessed a significant rise in cyber-attacks, in recent decades, making it necessary for banks to implement effective security measures to safeguard their customers' information. One key aspect of ensuring information security is to increase customers' security awareness.</p> <p><strong>Objective:</strong> This study aims to identify the factors that significantly impact the security awareness of bank customers using a dataset of 477 customers of different ages.</p> <p><strong>Methods:</strong> The study employs multiple regression analysis with HAC standard errors to examine the relationship between seven independent variables (Age and Experience, Education and Awareness Programs, User Experience, Cyber Threat Landscape, Trust in the Bank, Personal Factors, Convenience) and the dependent variable, security awareness.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> The findings indicate that all seven independent variables have a significant impact on the security awareness of bank customers at a 10 percent significance level. However, personal factors and Cyber Threat Landscape are insignificant at a 1 percent level of significance.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> The study argues that banks need to take into account all seven independent variables when designing strategies to increase the security awareness of their customers. While personal factors and Cyber Threat Landscape may not have a significant impact individually, they still need to be considered as part of a holistic approach to information security. The insignificant results of personal factors and Cyber Threat Landscape could be due to the complexity of the constructs or the limited sample size. Further research with larger samples could help to provide a more nuanced understanding of these variables' impact on customers' security awareness.</p> 2023-02-12T00:00:00-07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Author Factors Contributing to the Underrepresentation of Women and Minority Students in STEM Fields 2023-04-24T07:09:34-06:00 Zahra Lathifa <p>The underrepresentation of women and minority students in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields is a persistent issue that requires thorough investigation to understand the contributing factors. This research study aimed to identify and examine the factors that contribute to the underrepresentation of women and minority students in STEM fields. Through an extensive literature review and analysis of existing research, several key findings emerged. Stereotypes and bias were identified as significant factors that contribute to the underrepresentation of women and minority students in STEM fields. Despite progress in recent years, stereotypes and bias still exist in many STEM fields, resulting in discrimination against women and minority students. These biases can be subtle, such as assumptions about ability or interest, and can limit opportunities for students from these groups. Addressing and mitigating these biases is crucial to creating a more inclusive STEM environment. The lack of visible role models was identified as another important factor contributing to the underrepresentation of women and minority students in STEM fields. Many women and minority students may feel isolated in STEM fields due to a lack of role models who look like them and have succeeded in these fields. This lack of representation can make it challenging for these students to envision themselves succeeding in STEM fields, leading to lower interest and participation. Increasing the visibility of diverse role models in STEM fields can help inspire and motivate women and minority students to pursue STEM careers. Educational inequities were also found to be contributing factors to the underrepresentation of women and minority students in STEM fields. Unequal access to quality education and resources can limit the opportunities available to women and minority students in STEM fields. Students from lower-income backgrounds, in particular, may face challenges in accessing the same resources as their peers, which can hinder their ability to excel in STEM fields. Addressing educational inequities and providing equal opportunities for all students, regardless of their background, is crucial in promoting diversity and inclusivity in STEM fields. Cultural factors were identified as additional factors that contribute to the underrepresentation of women and minority students in STEM fields. Some cultures may not encourage women to pursue careers in STEM fields or may not view these fields as desirable career paths. These cultural beliefs can impact the aspirations and motivations of women and minority students, leading to lower participation in STEM fields. Addressing cultural factors and promoting diversity and inclusivity in all cultures is essential in creating a more inclusive STEM environment. Addressing these factors requires a multifaceted approach that involves promoting diversity and inclusivity in STEM fields, increasing access to quality education and resources, providing visible role models, and creating inclusive workplace cultures. Further research and collaborative efforts among stakeholders, including academia, industry, policymakers, and communities, are needed to effectively address the underrepresentation of women and minority students in STEM fields and promote diversity and inclusivity in these fields.</p> 2023-02-14T00:00:00-07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Author Challenges and Strategies for Improving Minority Education Access and Success 2023-04-24T13:16:47-06:00 Rajesh Kumar <p>The study examines the barriers that minority students face in accessing and succeeding in education, as well as strategies to address these challenges. The study identifies several challenges including lack of access to quality education, stereotyping and bias, lack of diversity in faculty and staff, and financial barriers. These challenges can hinder the educational attainment and success of minority students. To address these challenges, the study proposes several strategies. Early intervention and support are crucial in ensuring that minority students have access to quality education and are prepared for college. A diverse and inclusive curriculum that values and includes the cultural backgrounds of minority students can help combat negative stereotypes and biases. Culturally responsive teaching strategies that acknowledge and value the cultural diversity of students can create a more inclusive and supportive learning environment. Mentorship and role models who share the racial or ethnic background of minority students can provide guidance, support, and inspiration. Financial aid and scholarships specifically targeted at minority students can help remove financial barriers to accessing higher education. Collaboration and partnerships with community organizations, businesses, and other stakeholders can create a more supportive and inclusive learning environment for minority students. The findings of this study highlight the challenges that minority students face in accessing and succeeding in education, and provide strategies that can be implemented to improve their education access and success. The study underscores the importance of addressing these challenges through collaborative efforts involving educational institutions, policymakers, community organizations, and other stakeholders to ensure that minority students have equitable opportunities for educational attainment and success. The findings of this study highlight the challenges that minority students face in accessing and succeeding in education, and propose strategies to address these challenges. By implementing early intervention and support, developing a diverse and inclusive curriculum, promoting culturally responsive teaching, providing mentorship and role models, offering financial aid and scholarships, and fostering collaboration and partnerships, educational institutions can improve the access and success of minority students.</p> 2023-02-16T00:00:00-07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Author Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Cognitive Functions and Academic Achievement in Students 2023-10-31T10:12:40-06:00 Rubén González Vallejo Mary Daohne P. Silvestre <p>The modern educational environment has observed a concerning trend wherein students increasingly compromise on sleep, which may have significant ramifications on cognitive functions and subsequent academic performance. This study explores the impact of sleep deprivation, bringing to the fore its profound consequences. Cognitively, sleep deprivation manifests in various ways. A marked reduction in attention span, paired with a rise in attentional lapses, severely impedes tasks that require prolonged concentration. The integral role of sleep-in memory consolidation suggests that its deficit can detrimentally affect both the encoding and retrieval facets of memory. Moreover, the executive functions are not immune; sleep-deprived individuals face pronounced challenges in tasks that demand planning, decision-making, and error correction. This review also underscores the impediment of problem-solving abilities and creative thinking following inadequate sleep. Notably, emotional repercussions are evident, with sleep deprivation correlating with emotional disturbances, encompassing irritability and depressive symptomatology. Furthermore, sleep-deprived individuals consistently demonstrate an extended reaction time, detrimental to tasks demanding swift decision-making. From an academic lens, the consequences are similarly concerning. Students experiencing sleep deprivation exhibit a reduced capacity to assimilate novel concepts, leading to hampered comprehension and retention. Quantitatively, studies have discerned a tangible negative correlation between sleep deprivation and grade point averages, pointing to a direct academic decline. Furthermore, there is a palpable reduction in the motivation to partake in academic activities among sleep-deprived students. This, combined with heightened cognitive impairments, escalates the propensity for errors in academic tasks. The health ramifications of prolonged sleep deprivation cannot be sidelined, with an evident association between inadequate sleep and increased absenteeism due to health complications.</p> 2023-02-19T00:00:00-07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Sage Science Review of Educational Technology Precision Livestock Farming in the Digital Age: Sensors and Microfluidics Paving the Way for Sustainable Agriculture 2023-12-14T04:22:49-07:00 Sarah A. Mitchell David K. Sok <p>Precision livestock farming (PLF) leverages technology such as sensors, automation, and data analytics to optimize livestock production, health, and welfare while minimizing environmental impact. This paper reviews key PLF technologies including sensors, telemetry, imaging, microfluidics, and data analytics. We discuss applications in health and disease monitoring, nutrition and feeding optimization, reproductive management, indoor climate control, and resource efficiency. Real-world case studies demonstrate improved productivity, sustainability, animal welfare, food safety, and farm profitability from implementing PLF solutions. Major trends include miniaturized, wearable, and ingestible sensors; edge/fog computing; integration of multimodal sensor data; and closed-loop automation. Barriers to adoption such as cost, technical complexity, and data privacy/security are also examined. With innovative sensors and data-driven insights enabled by the digital revolution, PLF represents a pathway towards more ethical, efficient, and sustainable livestock production.&nbsp;</p> 2023-02-22T00:00:00-07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Authors Structure, Objectives, and Operational Framework for Ethical Integration of Artificial Intelligence in Educational 2024-03-26T11:27:27-06:00 Ashish K Saxena Valeria García Dr. Md. Ruhul Amin Juan Manuel Rojas Salazar Dr. Sanjay Dey <p>The rapid advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies offers unprecedented opportunities for enhancing education but also raises complex ethical concerns. This study introduces the Ethical Observatory for AI in Education, an initiative aimed at addressing these challenges. Through a multidisciplinary approach, the observatory seeks to develop comprehensive ethical guidelines and policy frameworks for AI integration in educational settings, ensuring alignment with core educational values and societal expectations. The observatory aims to promote the ethical development and application of AI technologies in education by fostering an informed dialogue among educators, policymakers, and technologists. This work contributes to the field by outlining the structure, objectives, and operational framework of the Ethical Observatory, providing a strategic guide for stakeholders towards the responsible use of AI in education. The establishment of the observatory highlights the importance of ethical considerations in technological integration and sets a precedent for future research and policy development in the domain, aiming to ensure that AI enhances educational equity, inclusivity, and outcomes.</p> 2023-02-25T00:00:00-07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Authors