Factors Affecting the Digital Divide Among Underrepresented Groups


  • Luis Hernandez Universidad del Bío-Bío in Concepción.


Digital Divide, Underrepresented Groups, Economic Status, Technology Affordability, Internet Service


This study focuses on the factors affecting the digital divide among underrepresented groups. The digital divide refers to the gap between those who have access to digital technologies and those who do not, and this divide is not only a matter of access to technology but also of the ability to use it effectively. The research finds that economic status affecting the digital divide. Low-income families often cannot afford the technology necessary to participate in the digital world due to the high cost of devices, internet service, or lack of technical knowledge to use technology effectively. This study shows that location also plays a role in the digital divide. People who live in rural or remote areas often have limited access to high-speed internet, making it difficult to participate in online activities or access digital resources.

The language barrier is also identified as a significant obstacle to digital access for non-native speakers. If content is not available in a language they understand, they may be unable to use it effectively. Age is another factor that affects the digital divide. Older adults may have difficulty navigating the technology needed to access digital resources. They may lack the skills necessary to use technology or be hesitant to adopt new technologies. People with disabilities may face barriers to digital access. Websites and technology may not be accessible for those with visual or hearing impairments, for example. The study also identifies discrimination as a significant factor contributing to the digital divide among underrepresented groups. Policies or practices that limit their access or harassment online that makes them feel unwelcome or unsafe are some of the forms of discrimination that these groups face.




How to Cite

Hernandez, L. (2023). Factors Affecting the Digital Divide Among Underrepresented Groups. Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Management, 7(1), 25–33. Retrieved from https://journals.sagescience.org/index.php/jamm/article/view/60