Editorial Team

  1. Dr. Carlos Alberto Reyes Lopez, Associate Professor at the Universidad de las Americas, Mexico. He is an expert in the field of artificial intelligence and machine learning, with a particular focus on natural language processing and text mining.

  2. Dr. Maria Teresa Ramos, Assistant Professor at the Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina. She is a leading researcher in the field of artificial intelligence and machine learning, with a particular focus on computer vision and image processing.

  3. Dr. Juan Carlos Mendoza, Professor at the Universidad de los Andes, Colombia. He is an expert in the field of artificial intelligence and machine learning, with a particular focus on deep learning and neural networks.

  4. Dr. Carlos Eduardo Viana, Professor at the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil. He is an expert in the field of artificial intelligence and machine learning, with a particular focus on reinforcement learning and decision-making.
  5. Joan A. Telo, CEASGLOBAL LIFE LLC. He is a senior IT Security Specialist at CEASGLOBAL LIFE LLC in charge of the design and implementation of security mechanisms for the safeguarding of its clients' confidential information.
  6. Valeria Garcia Alvarez, MBA - Marketplace Expansion Manager, Pangaea Holdings. She is an expert in digital transformation with a focus on e-commerce, digital marketing, brand development, and global marketplaces.

Technical Editor

Dr. Soledad Tavella

Associate Professor at the Universidad Católica de Chile. She is a leading researcher in the field of artificial intelligence and machine learning, with a particular focus on data mining and knowledge discovery.