The Effect of Cognitive Dysfunction and Psychopathology on Academic Underachievement in Students with Mental Disorders


  • Rina Indahwati Department of Education, Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
  • Muhammad Farid Department of Education, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
  • Dewi Kurniasih Department of Education, Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta


Cognitive dysfunction and psychopathology are intimately related to academic underachievement since they may have a significant impact on a student's capacity to learn and do effectively in school. Neurological illnesses, brain damage, and psychiatric disorders are typical causes of cognitive impairment, whereas anxiety disorders, mood disorders, and personality disorders are prominent manifestations of psychopathology. Early detection and resolution of these issues may assist a child's academic achievement and general well-being. Students with mental diseases may confront a variety of obstacles in the classroom, including controlling their disorder's symptoms, dealing with stigma and prejudice, and requiring specific accommodations. It is critical for schools to have support mechanisms in place for kids with mental problems, as well as to foster an accepting and understanding culture. Early screenings and interventions with qualified experts, teaching and increasing awareness about mental health and illnesses, and the establishment of support networks in schools are among the recommendations.




How to Cite

Indahwati, R., Farid, M., & Kurniasih, D. (2023). The Effect of Cognitive Dysfunction and Psychopathology on Academic Underachievement in Students with Mental Disorders. Journal of Humanities and Applied Science Research, 6(1), 15–23. Retrieved from


