Patient-Rated Unmet Needs and Their Relationship with Academic Adjustment


  • Aamir Ahmad Department of Education, University of Karachi
  • Jafer Sadhiq Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad


This study aims to examine the relationship between patient-rated unmet needs and academic adjustment. The concept of patient-rated unmet needs refers to areas of healthcare where patients perceive that their needs are not being adequately met. These needs can encompass physical, emotional, and social aspects of care and can vary from person to person. Patient-rated unmet needs have been developed to understand the patients’ perspective on their healthcare and to identify areas where improvements can be made. It is important for healthcare providers to actively assess and address patient-rated unmet needs in order to improve patient satisfaction and health outcomes. Serious mental illness (SMI) is a term used to describe a range of severe mental health conditions that can have a significant impact on a person's ability to function in daily life. These conditions include disorders such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and major depression. Individuals living with SMI often experience a wide range of challenges and may have significant unmet needs related to their mental health. In the context of patient-rated unmet needs, individuals with SMI may experience a lack of access to appropriate mental health services or a lack of emotional support. This can lead to increased stress, anxiety, and depression, which can negatively impact their ability to function and overall well-being. The relationship between patient-rated unmet needs and academic adjustment is complex and can vary depending on the individual. However, research has shown that students who have unmet healthcare needs may struggle with academic adjustment. The study will explore the specific ways in which unmet healthcare needs can impact academic adjustment, and the potential strategies for addressing these needs in the university setting. The results of the study will provide insight into the importance of addressing patient-rated unmet needs in order to improve academic outcomes for students.




How to Cite

Ahmad, A., & Sadhiq, J. (2023). Patient-Rated Unmet Needs and Their Relationship with Academic Adjustment. Journal of Humanities and Applied Science Research, 6(1), 1–14. Retrieved from


