The Determinants of Access to Healthcare: A Review of Individual, Structural, and Systemic Factors


  • Nikolaos Tzenios Hon. Prof Public Health and Medical Research, Charisma University, Grace Bay, Turks and Caicos Islands


Access to healthcare, individual, structural, systemic, multivariable regression


This study argues that there are various determinants of access to healthcare that may be classified into three types: individual, structural, and systemic factors. Individual characteristics include socioeconomic position, level of education, and health awareness. People with low socioeconomic status, a lack of education, and a lack of health literacy may face challenges to healthcare access. These hurdles may include a lack of mobility, a lack of awareness about the healthcare system, and a failure to recognize the value of preventative treatment. The availability and accessibility of healthcare professionals and facilities are included in the structural issues. Geographic location, population density, and the allocation of healthcare resources within a specific area might affect the availability and accessibility of healthcare professionals and facilities. Government laws and regulations, healthcare expenditures, and healthcare systems are aspects of systemic factors. Government rules and laws can have an impact on healthcare access by determining who is eligible for specific programs or services and how those programs are delivered. Healthcare funding can also influence access to healthcare by deciding who can and cannot afford to pay for care. This study used a primary dataset of 230 individuals to check the impact of individual, structural, and systemic factors on healthcare access. Various policies were also discussed, including the implementation of universal healthcare coverage, the expansion of primary healthcare services, the improvement of healthcare infrastructure, the implementation of regulations and quality standards, the expansion of public health education, the address of social determinants of health, and the overall design and funding of the healthcare system. This research underlined the importance of addressing these variables, and that governments, healthcare providers, and communities must collaborate to ensure that all individuals have access to healthcare. These variables can have a cumulative influence on a person's access to medical care, so it is critical to address all levels of factors in order to increase overall healthcare accessibility. Knowing these determinants can help shape policies and activities to increase access to healthcare for people who face difficulties.

correlation heatmap graph




How to Cite

Tzenios, N. (2019). The Determinants of Access to Healthcare: A Review of Individual, Structural, and Systemic Factors. Journal of Humanities and Applied Science Research, 2(1), 1–14. Retrieved from