Developing Big Data Talent for Vietnam’s Digital Economy: Assessing Gaps and Training Needs
This paper examines the talent gaps and training needs for developing big data capabilities in Vietnam to support the growth of its digital economy. As Vietnam moves towards greater digitalization and data-driven decision making across sectors, there is an urgent need to build specialized big data skills domestically. We conduct an empirical assessment of the current state of big data talent in Vietnam across different industries. Our findings indicate acute shortages of data scientists, data engineers, and other supporting roles with only 17% of demand being met from local supply. Core skill gaps exist in areas like machine learning, AI, and advanced analytics. We then analyze the training capacities and programs currently available and find them inadequate for bridging existing gaps. Based on insights from industry experts and academicians, we propose a framework for systematic capacity building of big data talent in Vietnam. This includes introducing dedicated educational courses, incentivizing private training providers, building data analytics centers of excellence, and launching nationwide skill enhancement initiatives aligned to industrial needs. Successful implementation of the suggested recommendations can significantly boost Vietnam’s big data capabilities and contribute to realizing its vision of becoming a leading digital economy in Southeast Asia.